31 August 2008

learning to blog and beginning the countdown

Welcome-- team, family, friends, donors, sponsors, and travel enthusiasts to the first ever Kenya Project mission blog! The big day is imminent; can you grasp that it is already September?

Let me begin by establishing a disclaimer: I am new to this 'blogging' trend. No, I do not even have Facebook or MySpace! <insert gasp here> As the book nerd you will learn that I am, I irk at the fact that I will commit the grammatical party foul of using 'blog' as a verb numerous times before this trip comes to a close. Nonetheless, I am eager to return wholeheartedly to my love of writing and to further enrich my passion for photography in my role as a member of the photojournalism team, capturing every detail of the Project's 10th anniversary. I am elated to be sharing as much of our 12-day trip as Kenyan-speed Internet will allow with such a warm, supportive audience.

I thought I would open the blog in the spirit of our team message-- serving "shoulder to shoulder" (Zephaniah 3:9). While we ultimately will become more than the whole of our parts in merely a few weeks, I believe it is imperative to always meditate and deeply meditate our individual gifts. We are a strong group of distinctive individuals with inspired passions, all capable of standing sturdily on our own two feet. However, we become enlightened and empowered when we recognize and embrace that we also have two arms with which to do good work and to lighten the burdens of our fellow men-- even if only for one person, even if only for one minute. Peter, it's your turn in the spotlight (1 Peter 4:8-10):

Above all, love each other deeply, for love covers over a multitude of sins. Be hospitable to one another without grumbling. Like good stewards of the manifold grace, serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received.

How perfect is that?!? How simple is this idea?!? In this often bleak world, let us remember daily that we cannot be complacent standing on our own two feet. Open your arms and share your gifts!


Without further ado, I would like to present the rest of the team-- a powerful group of professionals that are undoubtedly carrying this spirit of service that is wound ornately in my heart: Lynn Chastain, Dee Ann Turner, Gideon Robi, Susan and Jonathan Dotson, Gwen Wendt, Missy Duncan, Trahlyta Miller, Paige Brown, Joan Palazzolo, Annamarie Paulsen, Ashley Chapman, Catherine Powell, and Roz-- with room to grow for one I believe.

And, of course, please check us out at www.thekenyaproject.org to learn more about our organization and how you can join us in helping to feed, shelter, educate, and love hundreds of children-- really, an entire community. Also, as a shout out to my employer and the good things the company is doing in the community, please check out SunTrust's MyCause program-- a way to donate $100 to the Kenya Project without sacrificing so much as one penny of your own money (https://promotion.suntrust.com/mycause/).

I am researching how to attach a link to our itinerary so that all our loyal readers can follow us every step of the way-- stay tuned!

Thank you for reading, love hard, and be loved. Until next time...
