Hello! My name is Amy and I am helping Tiffany write today.
First let me say that traveling here to Kenya has been an eye opening experience already. You know you see the pictures and you hear the stories, but it isn't real, vivid or truly experienced until you actually get here. At least that's what happened to me.
We left Nairobi yesterday and traveled to Nakuru. It was about a two our bus ride. The first hour we spent driving through the HUGE city of Nairobi. There were people walking around everywhere to buy and sell things on the side of the road. Behind the makeshift markets were massive clusters of shack-like homes. I wanted to take pictures but it seemed wrong or invasive. I didn't fully realized that people lived in such poverty until I saw it with my own eyes. However, as we drove through these towns full of people...everyone was smiling and laughing. It made me second guess my feelings of "sorrow" for them. They might be even happier than we are with all the "stuff" we have. It made me realize how much I DON'T need and how much MORE they have than I do.
As we drove out of the Nairobi there was wide open land with sparce trees and a few wild animals to see. We stopped on the side of the road to take pictures of some zebras, monkeys and wild boars. Finally we made it into Nakuru, you could definitely tell when we made it there because the road got VERY bumpy! We drove up a steep hill, pass the school's dining hall to the Robi Family's home. Mama Robi, Mr. Robi and Gideon along with a few other helpers in their home - chef David and house hand Mary made us feel very welcome. One of the women on the team expressed that she felt "at home" in their home and I couldn't agree more.
After getting to our rooms and unpacking we took a tour of the property. We were able to see the children's home that is almost finished. I know this was a joy for Dee Ann and Lynn, to see another realization of dream come true. I could almost hear the children's voices and laughter running around the unfinished house as we walked through it. It is truly a gift from God. We also walked through the dining hall, the buildings that house all of the classrooms. The sunset was incredible. It seems as though the sun is SO much bigger here!
Finally we walked back up to the house to see a few children running around in the Robi's front yard. A little boy named Boniface was one of those children. His sweet smile and bright eyes just warmed my heart. Tiffany's grandmother and Lynn's mother, Barbara Hutchins, sponsors Boniface. He has a heart defect that they are trying to fix. He has his whole life ahead of him and I know he is thankful to have someone that believes in him and supports him here in Kenya.
This post is getting quite long, so I'll wrap it up here. All in all we had a fantastic day, with great people, and we saw the amazing things that God has already done here in Nakuru with Mountain Park School. We covet your prayers. Thank you for walking with us on this journey.
Blessings and Peace,
Amy Cathy
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